II Corinthians 5:17
In Christ Jesus I am no longer dead in my trespasses and sins.
In Christ Jesus I am no longer a lost soul.
In Christ Jesus I am no longer bound for hell.
In Christ Jesus I am no longer under condemnation.
In Christ Jesus I am no longer in darkness.
In Christ Jesus I am no longer separated from my Heavenly Father.
In Christ Jesus I am no longer on the outside looking in.
In Christ Jesus I am no longer at home in this world.
In Christ Jesus I am no longer walking to the course of this world.
In Christ Jesus I am no longer a pawn of Satan.
In Christ Jesus I am no longer a hopeless case.
In Christ Jesus I am no longer a servant of sin.
In Christ Jesus I am no longer alone in this world.
In Christ Jesus I am no longer moved by the opinion of man.
In Christ Jesus I am no longer moved by the winds of circumstance.
In Christ Jesus I am no longer moved by the riches of this world.
In Christ Jesus I am Heaven born and Heaven bound.
In Christ Jesus the Father sees the blood and not my sin.
In Christ Jesus the Father sees a robe of righteousness that covers me.
In Christ Jesus the Father sees a child saved by His grace.
In Christ Jesus no man can pluck me from the Father's hand.
In Christ Jesus I am no longer who I once was, I am a new man in Christ- Glory to God!