“In my distress I cried unto the Lord, and he heard me.”
Psalm 120:1
What is it that you are enduring at this very moment? Has someone falsely accused you? Have you been distressed over a season of time for a loved one, a friend or a neighbor? Has a tragedy overtaken you? Does the situation that burdens your heart, wake you in the middle of the night? My dear friend, often times questions will overwhelm our minds and flood our hearts with heaviness and doubts. I have found our verse to be true time and time again. The Lord does hear our cries.
I want to encourage you to be as the Psalmist and in your time of distress, come to the Lord and cry out to Him. Don’t let situations build and build and build. Lay it all before Him. The Bible says, “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you” (I Peter 5:7.) You will find comfort, peace and security in knowing that the God of heaven hears you in your time of distress.
I am learning that it isn’t always the amount of words that we write or say, it is simply the weight of those words. We have twelve words in our verse. Take heed and apply them to your current situation. Your faith will grow as you commune with the living God, your fears and doubts will lose their grip and power they have over you. It is not that we won’t know distress, it is the wonderful promise that God is with us in the distress-knowing that God says, “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee” (Hebrews 13:5b.)
Come now and allow the Lord to hear your cry and bring comfort to you.