Imagine yourself in the middle of the desert with the scorching sun relentlessly beating down upon you. With each step that you take the wind is whipping the sand against your face like little arrows that are hitting their target. The thirst that you have is like nothing you have ever endured in your life. Your legs grow heavier with each step that you take. With each passing moment you are retreating deeper and deeper into a soul breaking thirst. Hopeless and helpless you are on the verge of giving up. Now- imagine if at the beginning of your journey someone had stopped you and took the time to show a map that gave you specific directions that if you followed them would show you every water hole along your journey. Cold flowing water could be yours. The man not only gives you good directions, but when he is done he places the map in your back pack. All you would have had to do was take your map out and follow the plainly written instructions.
What I have just described is far too often the life of the born again. They have God's Word, but just as the explorer who left the directions in their back pack they to never get it out- open it up and draw from its deep well of truth. Isaiah 58:11 says. "And the Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones; and thou shalt be like a watered garden and like a spring of water whose waters fail not." Did you catch that? It does not say you will be taken out of the drought, but that your soul will be satisfied in the drought. My friend that has hallelujah written all over it! Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. Hebrews 13:8 No shifting sand! No faulty foundation! No wringing of hands! A powerful promise that minsters to the heart and thus the lives of the regenerated, redeemed and the reconciled. Our Saviour is not fickle or frail! He is not wishy-washy! Our hope is certain bound to the anchor of truth that God reveals about Himself throughout His precious Word. Our hope is not diluted by circumstance or situations. We are truly strengthened by such a promise. O my what a Lord and Saviour. What a friend we have in our Lord. Be encouraged today! Be strengthened today! Don't allow your circumstance or all that is happening around you to dampen the wick of your joy! Take comfort from the powerful truth of our scripture. When thou sadist, Seek ye my face; my heart said unto thee, Thy face Lord, will I seek. Psalm 27:8
A.W. Tozer asked the question, “Why do some persons “find” God in a way others do not? Why does God manifest His presence to some and let multitudes of others struggle along in half-light of imperfect Christian experience? Of course, the will of God is the same for all. He has no favorites within His household. All He has ever done for any of His children, He will do for all of His children. The difference lies not with God but with us.” I am thoroughly convinced that a deep, abiding and fervent relationship with the Lord can be measured by the degree which we hunger and thirst and seek after Him. My prayer and desire for you is that you will you will have a closer relationship with the Lord in 2019. After I was saved for just a short time, I had a real hunger for God; to know and to walk with Him. I did not desire a surface relationship; I wanted to live in the deep end. I found to my surprise that many felt I had fallen off into the deep end. I am speaking of the born again! They dabbled in religion and post card Christianity. What is that you ask? It is where one drops a line to the Lord Jesus every now and again; from a distance. When I read Psalm 42:1, my heart nearly skips a beat and my soul is set aflame, “As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God.” Dear believer never let the luke -warmness of another Christian to be water on your heart that is set ablaze for the Lord. Never let the coldness of another in any way, shape or form dictate the intensity or desire that you have for Almighty God. Don’t just send a post card, but seek His face and live in the depths of a real relationship with the One true God in 2019. Thanks for visiting and thanks for praying! Bro. Tracy |
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May 2023
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