Pastor Douglass shared the upcoming events- We have a big weekend coming up! Deaf ministry begins; VIP Sunday kicks off our Winter Revival which runs from Feb. 22 thru the 25th; Praying for many decisions; We are having a luncheon for any "first time" visitors that came in the month of February; We have been inviting all sorts of folks to come. We have 33 who have verbally committed to come so far! We're praying for many souls to be saved on Sunday morning.
Let's pray that God's unction is upon Dr. Bill McSpadden as he preaches the Word of God. Let's pray for Holy Spirit power in this meeting. Let's pray that God does a mighty work in the saving of many souls and speaking to the hearts of the Saints! Let's pray while believing and believe while praying!
Thanks for visiting and thanks for praying,
Bro. Tracy