I John 5:12
I am amazed at how people will clamor and become completely crazy when the amount of money in the lottery rises and rises, to a greater amount. I have worked various jobs up to this point in my life. I have worked in a factory, where it was mentally strenuous and the overtime was draining. I have worked outside in the blazing sun with humidity so high that each breath felt like a blast furnace and was as thick as molasses. Often time, I have sweated through my clothes yet at the end of the day, I felt something had been accomplished. I believe most people work far too hard for their money to just throw it down the drain by buying a ticket on the hopes of winning a large amount of money. Far too often, people waste what the Lord has provided. You do not need such a ticket.
Dear Christian if you participate in such foolishness I would like for the Word of God to remind you that, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above” (James 1:17a). Why would we ever want to participate in a lottery with the money that has been earned through the job the Lord provided, as well as the abilities He has gifted you with? Why do you gamble with the good things God has provided? Do you believe that God cannot provide that which is needed? We are not good stewards when we participate in such t
Everyone speaks of wanting a better life. The best life is when one is born again (John 3:3-5). I lived for the biggest part of my life in the second half of our verse, “And he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.” I have found there is no comparison between the two. If you are saved, you have the best life in Christ Jesus and you don’t need to pin your hopes on wasting your money on some lottery. Too many believers go on a wild goose chase that leads eventually down the road of destruction. The real life is in a close relationship with the Lord and His Word. Our words will match the Psalmist and not the worlds, “Through thy precepts I get understanding: therefore I hate every false way” (Psalm 119:104).