Ecclesiastes 12:13
King Solomon was the wisest, wealthiest and most influential king in Israel’s history. Within the pages of Ecclesiastes the king set his heart on a journey to seek after wisdom, pleasure and accomplishment as well as hard labor. At the end of the day he declared that all of these things of themselves could be described as vanity or futile. With every accomplishment or experience, there was emptiness in that apart from God there is nothing in and of its self that could bring contentment, peace or any sense of fulfillment. Down through time many have looked to these things to fulfill that which only a relationship with God can satisfy. This scenario has played out over and over as man has continued as if they were trying something new to bring meaning to their life. In Ecclesiastes 1:9 Solomon writes, “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be: and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.”
The Bible teaches us to seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness (Matthew 6:33) and what great counsel this is. When we put God first the other things of life will be found in their proper place and we will have a godly perspective that will not lead us astray. When we fear God and keep His commandments, we will live under Gods guidance and that will be a life with true meaning.