A few years ago my wife and I planned a short trip to get away for a couple of days. As we were driving, we passed through many small towns. There was one town that stood out from all the others. Along the road there was a business with an interesting sign- Actually, there were two signs; one read, “Everyone welcome” the sign below it read, “Beware of dog.” As Christians, it should not be this way as we gather together. There should be sweetness to our fellowship. Not only should there be sweetness, there should be a purpose. Speaking within the context of our verses, each of us as we continue to be faithful and gather with other believers we should each look to be a blessing to others. We should not take the “me” approach.
How is it we can be a blessing to in our time together?
I. Hold Fast- We must hold fast to our faith in the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross. Our security and stability is in Christ and we will not waver when our hope is steadfast in Christ Jesus. This will have a powerfully positive influence upon those around us.
II. Consider one another- We need to care for those around us and their spiritual well-being. Too many are guilty of tearing down another instead of building them up. It is well past time to set self aside and consider our brothers and sisters in Christ.
III. Provoke- Think of this as stimulating or stirring those around us to love and good works.
IV. Exhorting one another- I once read these words, “Have you ever met a discourager? They are like a drink of water to a drowning man.” The world and the devil throws enough discouragement upon us we don’t need to add to it.
Each time we gather together, we have an opportunity to be a blessing in a powerful way to those in the pews, the hallways, the parking lots and those upon the platform and behind the pulpit in our home church. God will in turn bless us, as we see the day approaching and what sweet fellowship it will be. We need to grow up and quit acting like an immature toddler. We will either bring glory to God or we will be quick to bring shame to God and ourselves. What will it be when come to the house of God- Discouragement or encouragement?