In his book, “The Pursuit of God”, author and preacher, A.W. Tozer, wrote in reference to those who truly seek a depth in their relationship with God, “I shall simply say that they had spiritual awareness and that they went on to cultivate it until it became the biggest thing in their lives.” The key word is cultivated. If we are not cultivating a deep relationship with God then we must ask ourselves what is it that we are cultivating in our lives and why? Spiritually speaking, we often live on the outskirts but we don’t dare come up close to cultivating a closeness to God. A life of any substance or meaning will never come to existence while one is living for and in the things of this world. The impact of our lives will either make a mark for heavenly things or for earthly things. It is about a choice. What choice will you make?
I. We need a renewing in our love for the Lord.
II. We need a refreshing in our living for the Lord.
III. We need a reviving in our longing for the Lord.