Revival is often the desire and discussion of many, but the prayer and plea of few. We need a stirring and a shaking. We need to rise up out of our cold, complacent and compromising positions and take a look at ourselves. We have become so amused by the world and its offerings that we have lost our way. Many are committed to anything and everything, but the Saviour of their soul. Many are so full of the world's philosophies and thoughts that the word of God is just one of many dishes they partake from in the shaping and forming of their thoughts and beliefs. Many have buried the Holy Spirit under an avalanche of the world's filth and fun to the extent that He can't get their attention. They have quenched the mighty power of God under a flood of worldliness and ungodliness. Many Christians are attempting a balancing act that will never ever balance out. You cannot run with the world and know and have the blessings of God's power, peace and provision.
Will we cry out to God and ask for His for forgiveness? Will we cry out to God and ask Him to do a work in our hearts? Will we cry out to God and ask Him to revive us again? We need a burden! We need a burden to sweep over each of us to hunger and to thirst for the living God more so than a hunger and a thirst for a dying and temporary world that will one day pass away.