It’s been said, “The men who move the world are the ones who do not let the world move them.” What we need are men, women, teens and young Christians who do not allow the world to dictate their choices and decisions. We don't have to be consumers of the sin and ungodliness that the world and the devil is peddling and continually trying to sell and shove down our throats. We need more Christians whose words and lives reflect the words of David in Psalm 63:8, “My soul followeth hard after thee: thy right hand upholdeth me.” We need more Christians who have a love for the Lord and a desire to follow His word no matter what the circumstance, situation or scenario might be. We need Holy Ghost filled believers whose gratitude for their salvation is fueled by the fact that they were once one breathe
and one heartbeat away from hell, but are now heaven born and heaven bound. O the life, power, strength, joy and glorious peace that is ours in Christ Jesus. I believe that if we took the time to look back to where we once stood and then come full circle to where we stand in Christ Jesus being reconciled, redeemed and regenerated that the many cold and indifferent hearts towards God would be replaced by hearts on fire for the Lord, and those hearts would burn like a three alarm blaze. I believe that if we would set aside the time to meditate upon the mercy and grace of God that our love for God would be as spiritual dynamite within our very being. Each individual Christian would be engulfed with a revival fire that was neither man-made nor derived from mere emotion. As cliched as it sounds we need and should have more Christians on fire for the Lord. Sadly that does not seem to be the case at this present time in history. Many have become loose and lackadaisical in their relationship and thus their commitment to the Lord.
I would like to present to you some questions (They are not original by any means) and only ask that you be completely honest and transparent not only with yourself, but more importantly with Almighty God. It is past time that we got serious and sincere when it comes to our relationship with our Lord. Before we get to the questions I would like for you to consider this prayer,
“Search me O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any
wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting” (Psalm 139:23-24.)
The Questions
1. If your spiritual temperature were to be taken what would the thermometer read?
2. Has your Love for the Lord increased or decreased since you have been saved?
3. Has your time in God’s word been replaced with other things?
4. Has your prayer time become drive-thru in its nature?
5. If the trumpet were to sound what condition would the Lord Jesus find your heart and life in?
I want God’s people to be encouraged, strengthened and at the same time challenged in a way that will draw them closer to the Lord. I learned long ago that questions will convict. That is a good thing. God wants to do mighty things through His children. The question is will we allow Him to do that which He has planned for us to do? Will we play church? Will we settle for second rate lives when God has the best plan and purpose for our lives? Do we want a rich, deep and abiding relationship with the God of the universe?