Genesis 12:1
From Abram to the man, women, boy or girl who is saved at this very moment and all of the saints in between, the real journey has begun. You are now on “the” journey that matters. Your instructions are not from a finite man whose plans are temporary, but your instructor and your captain is the Living God. The Bible says, “Thus saith the Lord, thy redeemer the Holy One of Israel; I am the Lord thy God which teacheth thee to profit, which leadeth thee by the way that thou shouldest go” (Isaiah 48:17.) God’s plan will always be the best plan for the journey that He has for us. God will teach and lead His children.
As you consider Abram and his call to leave his country, his family and his father’s house, ask yourself, what is it that you have not yielded to the Lord so that your journey will not be hindered by your disobedience? What are you holding on to with both hands? This place that we call home is nothing more than a motel. This life is short and we move forward by faith. My friend, pull up the stakes and travel lite, we have a home awaiting us in heaven and a life to be lived now as God leads the way. Don’t get comfortable with the temporary. Keep your eyes upon the Lord Jesus and the real journey that He has for you. His plan and will for your life is above and beyond anything that is rooted in or of this world.
Oswald Chambers wrote, “Faith never knows where it is being led. But it loves and knows the one who is leading.” Are you living a life of faith? What journey are you on? Follow God’s map and plan that He has for you and your journey. Your life will count for the cause of Christ and your journey will truly matter.