Luke 2:8-11
I find it interesting that God did not choose to send the angel of the Lord to the so called elite, the well trained or the so called religious leaders of those days with the wonderful announcement of the birth of the Saviour. God instructed the angel to enter the field of the shepherds as they were working the night shift with the greatest news ever. This speaks of the whosoever of the Bible. The shepherds would not have been a part of the so called 'in" crowd. They certainly would not have cared about any social ladder of the day. God had a plan and these everyday, common, hard working men were a part of the most historical night in the history of the world. It was a grand announcement given for all people to a group of everyday people.
We learn from Scripture that:
I. God has a person.
2. God has a plan.
3. God has a purpose.
4. God has a provision.
It all works for God's glory and for the good of man.