Matthew 5:6
We live in a world where there are many choices thrown at us or presented to us each day. We, as Christians, have a choice to make each morning as we start our days. Will we hunger and thirst after righteousness or will we eat from the table of this world? Our verse says, “Blessed are they which do” so again, we have a choice to make. Those who choose righteousness will be filled. Those who chose God’s desire for their lives will be satisfied.
The benefits of hungering and thirsting after righteousness far outweigh the junk food of the world’s table. What are some of the benefits?
I. A closeness with God
II. A closeness with God’s word
III. A closeness with God’s people
IV. Power in your prayers
V. Power in your witness
Dear Christian your spiritual health, strength and energy will depend upon what it is you are putting in your tank. A long distant runner would not live off of fried food, junk food or bottle after bottle of soda and expect to run and finish the race. Spiritually speaking we can’t live off the worlds table and be fit for this race we are running. We are carrying the banner of the Lord Jesus Christ as we run this race in the time we have been given. May we choose wisely and in doing so we will bring glory to God and be a light in a dark and lost world. A godly appetite will lead to a godly life for all to see.