Hebrews 11:6
I recently posted a blog titled, “Will you pray for these requests” and one of the requests was for my friend Virgil Bland. Bro. Virgil has been diagnosed with cancer and the prognosis from the doctor is that he has less than a year to live. I am asking that you would continue to pray for Bro.Virgil, he has good days and bad days. God has blessed me in the twelve years that I have been saved by bringing many faithful men into my life. These men have set an example for me to follow in that they are not ashamed of the Lord Jesus or His glorious gospel. These men have a desire and hunger for the word of God to be the final authority in their lives. These men live lives that are full of prayer, purpose and power, rooted in a deep faith and trust in God- Bro.Virgil is one of these men. I thank God for him.
On December 28, 1985 joy rang out in heaven when at his home Virgil Bland cried out to the Lord to save him. Two years prior to his salvation, Virgil’s brother Dale was gloriously and victoriously saved. After Dale was born again, he had a burden for the unsaved and one of those on his heart was his brother, Virgil. Virgil noticed a huge change in the life of Dale. Dale wasn’t playing games and he didn’t just get religion or join a church. Virgil witnessed the transforming power of the new birth and a man who was a new creature in Christ. In the words of Virgil, “Dale got after me like a big ole bloodhound.” There was another who was concerned, Virgil’s godly, prayer warrior mother, who, for over forty years, prayed for Virgil and his brothers.You see there was a third brother and two years after Virgil was saved his brother Mike got saved as well.The prayers of their mother had been answered.
Virgil shared with me that after he was saved there was a man that helped disciple him. This dear man would often quote Psalm 119:165 “Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.” This would be the first verse that bro. Virgil would memorize. "I thank God for that great peace" Virgil told me, "I am ready no matter what the Lord has for me because I know where I am going" and then confidently, Virgil echoed the words of the Apostle Paul, "I know whom I believed." Bro. Virgil's confidence and trust is completely in the Lord and the promises found in His word. Does bro. Virgil have tough days? Yes he does. Would most people know when he has had a tough day, no they would not.
I can't count how many times I have called bro. Virgil and asked him to pray for me. Sometimes it has been when my wife and I have been on the road and on our way to where I was scheduled to preach. Other times it has not been when I was wearing a suit, but when I was soaked with sweat and covered in grass from a hot and hard August day. The idea behind the writing of this blog was by no means to exalt a mere man, but to glorify God and in turn, to encourage you, the reader with the wonderful true life account of Christ working through and in the life of my friend Virgil Bland. Virgil has been and continues to be an example of a man who exalts and extols the living God no matter what the circumstance might be- A man whose faith does not waver, A man who is not moved by circumstance, but who stands in and boldly upon the scriptures. It is always easy to praise the Lord from the mountain top when all is just right. Virgil has set before me the example that our praise should be and can be just as powerful down in the valley. And that for the born again believer there really is no difference between the mountain top and the valley because the Lord is with us in both places.
The faith of my friend blesses and encourages me and I pray that it does the same for you. Let's continue to pray for bro. Virgil and his wife Bonnie.