I Peter 1:13-16
We are called to be holy. Our lives are to be separated unto God. There is a definite change that takes place when one is born again. Peter exhorts us to be obedient and not to fashion ourselves according to who we once were. Our lives should not reflect the old man but should be moving day by day in the direction of being more and more Christ like.
Too many times we seem to be more chameleon like instead of Christ like. I believe too many practice religion and thus put on a religious face for those at church and are a completely different person on the job; around their friends and inflict much damage upon their families with such inconsistent lives. We cannot fool God; and those who walk closely with God will find us out sooner than later. Dear Christian, your testimony will either build those around you up or tear them down. Your life will either plant good seed in the soil of your family or there will be the possibility of crop failure due to your chameleon like behavior.
David wrote, “Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? He that hath clean hands and a pure heart.” (Psalm 24:3-4) A holy life will be an empowered life. A holy life will lead to a deep abiding closeness to the God of the universe and my friend there could never be a better place for one to be found. I would rather be a sharpened tool in the hands of almighty God than an unclean instrument propped up in the corner of the shed. How is your testimony? Are you more chameleon like or Christ like?