Galatians 5:16-17
There is a battle that is raging within the Christian. It is an ongoing war between our flesh and the Spirit. That is a reality. We have a choice to either walk in victory in the Spirit or tread down the path of the flesh and live in defeat. The flesh is the enemy within and the devil is our enemy without. How many times have we all had our flesh well up and it seems as if the evil one is right there to fan the flame. It is as if the flesh holds the fuse and the devil dangles the match. We need Holy Spirit Power! We need the power that only God can provide His children.
The Word of God will provide power for our walk. You will be positioned for victory as you feed upon God's Word. The Bible tells us,"Be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves" (James 1:22). If we will be
doers of the Word of God we will apply that which we are told and taught throughout scripture to our lives and the supply of power will be bountiful. The Holy Spirit can work in a mighty way in each and every believer when their diet is rich with the Word of God. Feast upon the world and you will be weakened, wearied and withered spiritually speaking. We certainly don't want to grieve the Holy Spirit. Our time in the Word will lend in a powerful way to our walking in the Spirit.
What path have you been upon? Who and what have you been living for? This world is temporary and is certainly not our home. Our time is short- let’s purpose to walk in the Spirit; bringing glory to God while living a life given over to the Holy Spirit.