I want to encourage you and pray that the writing below would bring glory to God and fire you up to be a prayer warrior in the army of the Living God!
Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain : and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months. And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit.
Hebrews 5:17-18
One can know true purpose when they set themselves to being a man or woman of prayer. A life of prayer will be a life of love fueled with the desire to come up close to the Lord in the prayer closet while straining and contending on the behalf of another. A life of prayer will be a life of labor that brings riches beyond that of monetary gain and earthly fortune. The ground will be fertile beneath you from your tears and sweat. The fragrance from such a life will be as the sweet smell of honeysuckle rising through the air on a summer morning. A life of prayer will be filled with passion and substance. Such a life will not be lived out in the presence of man, but in the secret place before the Almighty. Ones steps will be bold in Christ Jesus for He made the way on Calvary’s dark hill that enables us to come. The barrier was broken through His precious blood and the violent victory that He won on the cross.
Set aside the mere trinkets of the desires of this world which are fleeting and cumbersome. Come today to the secret place of power and passion where purpose will be known. O to take prayer as serious as Samuel, “Moreover as for me, God forbid that I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you” (I Samuel 12:23a.) Be a man of prayer! Be a woman of prayer! Fix and set your affection on things above. Look past this world and get into the arena. Souls are teetering on the very edge that leads to hell. Many are hurting and are in need of a touch from heaven. Come in the morning. Come throughout the day. May the dew of heaven be found upon your brow deep in the night. Find your place of purpose and pray while believing and believe while praying. Pray earnestly knowing there are no super Christians only those who have a desire that is fueled by their trust in the living God that allows them to prevail in the prayer closet.