Too many times we choose the desires of the flesh over the things of God. For many believers God is too often lost between the lottery (Surly not), a favorite T.V. show and the many upon many pursuits that most seem to allow to root out God and His Word in their lives. I am afraid that too many church services in America are nothing more than a speed bump along the way to Sunday dinner. Many are more concerned about the food that will feed the physical and not the food that will feed them spiritually. Too many Christians have been drinking milk for too long. Their spiritual teeth are rotten and when they hear the Word of God they spit it out because they are not familiar with it.
Wouldn’t revival be a by-product of God’s Word being preached? YES! The effect on Christians would be to the benefit of the unsaved. Believers would have true biblical understanding and would be taught the right and true way they are to live according to God’s Word. In turn they would hate every evil and false way ("The fear of the Lord is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth do I hate." Proverbs 8:13). This would all begin with a desire for the sweet Word of God.
There is a need for powerful, Holy Ghost filled preaching, that comforts, confronts, convicts and challenges us in the pews. Dear Christian, we need to be under such preaching so that God will be able to do what only he can do to make the changes in each of our lives. It would be to His glory and for our benefit.
Decide what your true desire is. Make a list and allow the Holy Spirit full reign to guide you and show you and reveal to you where God and His Word is found on your list.