Romans 15:30
The battle line will be drawn in the sand when we decide to strive together with others in prayer. Get this picture in your mind- Perhaps early in the morning-Possibly throughout the day- Potentially deep in the night there is a saint somewhere who is on their knees; upon their face or due to health reasons in a chair or in a bed with their head bowed interceding on your behalf. They are crying out, they are carrying your request and they are calling out your name before the God of heaven. They have purposely chosen to enter the battlefield of prayer. Too many times we allow precious time and opportunities to slip through our hands when we ignore the leading of the Holy Spirit to pray for others.
The battle is real. Let's put on the whole armour of God and have the sword God has prepared and preserved for us ready and in place as we enter into the prayer battle on the behalf of many. The devil can't stomach or stand the sight of a dear saint praying without ceasing. We are more than victors in and through Christ Jesus our redeemer. Let's make our lives count for the cause of Christ. Let's pray.