Colossians 2:6-7
My life, before salvation, was rooted and built up in this world and my sin. The root was rotten and I was not established in anything. I can testify (Not proudly) that my life B.C. (Before Christ) was full of calamity, strife and hopelessness. I thank God for His mercy, grace and long-suffering. The path of this world is wide and leads to destruction.
I want us to consider how it is that we can be “rooted and built up” in Christ Jesus. The first place for anyone of us to start is to define what it is we truly desire above all else in our lives. When we define this, we will know where it is we have allowed ourselves to take root. Life is not life until Jesus Christ is the Lord of our lives. When we come to understand this truth life will truly begin for the believer. Once we decide upon being “rooted and built up” in Christ, there are choices and decisions to be made on a daily basis.
We must approach each day with a desire and a mindset that we want to be more Christ like than ever before. Sanctification is a process. But we should never use the fact that it is a process as an excuse to approach each day halfheartedly. What can we do?
I. Walk in God’s Word- Allow the Word of God to flood your heart and mind and in doing so your heart and mind will be shaped by the Word you expose it to. We will either walk hand and hand with the Word of God or the world. Choose your steps wisely.
II. Walk in the Spirit- Die to self. Awake each morning and have a funeral service for self. Allow the Holy Spirit to have complete control of every facet of your life. The crucified life is a victorious life. It is the life that each Christian should desire.
III. Root yourself in Prayer- Cry out and call on the Lord. Ask the Lord to build you and make you more and more like Him. Be clay in His hands.
IV. Apply God’s Word- Put into motion those principles you have been taught as the Holy Spirit has shown you as well as your Pastor and Sunday school teachers. You will be built up by the Word of God as your faith increases more and more. When we walk in God’s Word we will be more likely to be walking in the Lord and thus we will be rooted in Him.
Make a choice today not to be rooted and built up in the things of this world, but to be rooted and built up in Christ Jesus.