Psalm 70:4
Dear Christian, are you a bitter believer? Do you live in a state of anger and misery? When you come into a room, do others feel the life and light being taken out of the room? Before I was saved, I was well acquainted with such behavior because it was who I was and the way I lived. From time to time, I have to examine myself to make sure I am not heading down those old roads that I have no business being on as a Christian. Christ paid too big of a price and won far too big of a victory for the redeemed to live in a state of bitterness while walking through life in misery.
Spend some time meditating on our verse-I believe your heart will soon be as our wood-stove when I was growing up after we would fill it with good ole hickory wood- Burning red hot!! You won't be bitter you will be magnifying God!
Thanks for visiting and thanks for praying,
Bro. Tracy