Proverbs 2:1-6
Isn’t it interesting the extremes that many will go to in pursuit of a goal or a dream? Many say, “I am willing to do anything at any cost to achieve that which I have put my heart, mind and soul into.” I am in no way saying as believers we should not give our best in all things that we do, that would run contrary to God’s Word. The Bible says, “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men” (Colossians 3:23.) Now- with that being said, what if we approached God’s Word with the same reckless abandon as we do for training for a marathon or a financial plan we devise in hopes of making our selves richer or any other pursuit that we are willing to go to the extreme for.
Our desires will shape our priorities. Those priorities will reveal where we place God’s Word at in our life. Where God’s Word is found in such a list, will be the difference in living a life given over to the Lord or to the world and our flesh. We ultimately decide by the choice that we make. Our Scripture admonishes us to receive and hide the Lord’s commandments within us, and to cry after knowledge and lift up our voice for understanding. These are actions that we as believers must decide upon!
Many have spent countless hours that have led to years in pursuit of that which is fleeting. Notice in our Scripture the intensity of seeking and searching after the understanding and knowledge found in the Word of God. The wonderful truth is that God is willing to give wisdom if the believer will come. What is your number one pursuit? What is at the top of your list of priorities in your life? Often times, within the writings on this blog and the website, I hammer over and over again the importance of our choices and decisions and how the choices and decisions that one makes will dictate the life that we’ll live and lead. I spent the biggest chunk of my life dead in my trespasses and sins thus I was lost and hell bound, but now I desire and I thirst most of all for that which God desires in my life. My prayer for those who read this is that your desire and intensity will match the Words in our Scripture today when it comes to your pursuit of God and His powerful, precious and enduring Word.
Thanks for visiting and thanks for praying,
Bro. Tracy