Acts 16:25
Paul and Silas were not simply thrown into jail for disturbing the peace in Philippi. The Bible teaches us that many stripes were laid upon them before they were thrust into the inner prison. We read such things and I truly wonder if each of us doesn’t lazily approach such words? This is why we should not skim over but settle into God’s Word. These men were beaten! We, too often, get our feelings hurt and don’t want anything to do with praise and prayer. What a lesson this is for all of us that circumstances should not dictate where the spiritual thermostat is set in our hearts when it comes to prayer and praise.
These men were not putting on a show or looking to impress their fellow inmates. Their outward wounds did not dampen their inner fire for God. Their words and songs were an outward manifestation of the over flow of their hearts. Can you picture these two men with their feet in stocks with wounds heavy on their backs yet making a joyful noise unto the Lord and lifting up words of prayer? What a sight and what a sound that must have been filling that jail at midnight.
There is much meat in this section of scripture (Acts 16:25-34) but I want us to zero in on and purpose to follow the example of Paul and Silas. I want us be challenged to not let the challenges of life to dampen the wick of our praise and prayers. None of us may ever endure such a situation as these two men but we will have our own midnight experiences. May our songs be pleasing and our prayers fervent during our own midnight experience.