Hebrews 13:17
We have, as a nation, chosen our own path. This is evident in the almost complete disregard as a nation to God’s Word. When a nation of people walk away from God’s Holy Word and God’s precepts, it will lead to the road of destruction in that they will live by the law of the jungle and the flesh. Now, with that said, all of this will have a direct affect on churches. I say this in meekness, but I must say it, too many churches are nothing more than a family run businesses that operates under the leadership of mere men and women who feel as if they are in charge and capable of leading without true Biblical understanding of how God teaches through His Word the way in which a New Testament Church should operate and function. Most are not on the old paths they are too often on their own path. That is not the case, however, in every situation. Praise God.
I pray that you will give some thought to your pastor today. He is the under-shepherd that God has provided for you and your family. He is a blessing and a gift from God. He preaches, he teaches, he prays and he labors for you that you will grow spiritually. He has a care and a concern for you. From the pulpit, he preaches and from his knees he goes to God in battle on your behalf. He has a target on his back and the devil and his demons want him out of service for the cause of Christ. It is a spiritual battle and prayers are a must!
Take time today to pray for your pastor and his family. Lift his name up to the throne of God boldly. Be thankful and grateful for the man God has for you and your family. Remember, he watches for your soul.