2 Thessalonians 3:1-3
A big part of my ministry is prayer and so when the Lord placed it upon my heart to start a website prayer was one of the main objectives for the media ministry. I am careful to give Almighty God all of the glory for the 108 Pastors, Evangelist, Missionaries, Ministries and preachers we have on our Prayer Request Page. I am happy to announce that we have added five more!
Bro. Mike Powell- Bus Pastor- North Platte Baptist Church
Pastor Greg Ogle- Calvary Baptist Church
Pastor Robert Nacci- Faith Baptist Church
Bro. Joseph Delp- Church Planter Philly
Pastor Stacy Pearcy- Lighthouse Baptist Church
Well Amen!! That brings the total to113!! Would you take time to visit our Prayer Request page at acalltotheworld.com and pray for those who are listed? Who knows you might just know some of those who are on our list.
Thanks for visiting and thanks for praying,
Bro. Tracy