The story is told of a little boy who kept riding his bike over and over again around the block. There was an old fellow who was watching and finally he couldn’t take it anymore and he stopped the little guy and asked him, “Son what are you doing?” the little guy replied, “I am running away from home.” The fellow responded, “You aren’t getting very far.” And the little boy replied, “That’s because my mom won’t let me cross the street.”
We would do well if we would have such a fear and respect for our heavenly Father and His commandments and instructions as the little guy had for his mother commandments and instructions. I am afraid that we are more faithful to a stop sign than we are to God’s Word.
From our verses we learn there is blessing in the chastening that we receive from our heavenly Father when we are disobedient. Read our verses and allow the Holy Ghost to guide you into an incredible truth the reveals the depth of God's care, concern and love for His Children.
Thanks for visiting and thanks for praying,
Bro. Tracy