Psalm 19:14
This should be our desire and our want every day. Most of us spend too much time in the shallow end when it comes to our walk and our closeness with the Lord and we are missing out on the best thing this side of heaven- a depth to our relationship to our redeemer! We miss out on being in the deep end.
I want to challenge you this morning to cut out the game playing and get down to the real deal and the real thing when it comes to your love for the Lord and your desire to please Him. I am not going to present some big theological plan. I am going to break this verse down and ask you to take small bites of it. Meditate slowly and purposely on each word. I believe this will lead you to the deep end.
I. "Let the words of my mouth"
II. "And the meditation of my heart"
III. "Be acceptable in thy sight"
"O Lord, my strength and my redeemer"
This a prayer that will bring power and purpose to the life of the redeemed. Why- Because it is rooted in a desire to be acceptable and pleasing to God.