Psalm 63:8
I remember reading our Scripture shortly after I was saved, and it was like someone throwing gasoline on a fire. It warmed my soul, and ignited a blaze in my very being. It set off a desire that I believe was sent from heaven. I wanted what it was that David was speaking about in regard to the picture he painted with his Holy Ghost led words. I wanted my soul in that same place, position and posture- following hard after God. We have many choices in this world that we live in when it comes to where we will place the main focus of our desires. The young and old alike must must choose wisely. One's life will have purpose; one's life will know true passion and one’s life will prove in the end to be the best life one could ever live, when they follow after God in such a manner.
We are just a few steps into the New Year. Everything is fresh and somewhat new and crisp. Lord willing there are twelve months; there are fifty-two weeks that lie just beyond the horizon. We have the gift of time. What will you do? How will you live? What choices will you make? Where will you place God at in your life? Today is the day. Now is the time to start to come after God in such a sold out manner. You will not be disappointed. Be filled with the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:18) Draw deep from the well of God’s Word (Psalm 119:130) Get into the prayer closet (I Thessalonians 5:17). Make 2014 a year to remember for all the right reasons.