James 1:13-15
I am afraid that many born again men are getting swept up in the things of this world. Listen men, we won't get caught in the current of a worldly and sinful culture if we don't put our feet in the water. As we walk along the bank of the dark water of this world, we have choices and decisions to make. What does our scripture teach us about being tempted? Everyone of us will be tempted when we are drawn away by our own lust and then enticed. God cannot be tempted and God does not tempt us. That is plain, straight and simple! It comes down to us. We have become,"One Nation Under Sensuality", but that does not mean that we have to participate in such sin. We must make a decision to die daily and desire to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
I use to love to go bass fishing. I truly enjoyed the many farm ponds in and around the area I live. I was blessed with many nice ponds to choose from. I have nothing against night crawlers and a bobber, but I had a friend who introduced me to a bait caster rod and reel set up and worm fishing. Needless to say, I was hooked, once I got the casting down. I had a john boat with a trolling motor that gave us quick access to every nook and cranny found in those ponds. There is something challenging about throwing a line up into a thicket or cover and drawing a bass out with that worm. The anticipation and possibility of making a big catch made it exciting and enjoyable. On one occasion I had found a spot that seemed just right for a large mouth to take cover in. I made my cast and worked that worm slowly and meticulously in and around the area over and over and finally, boom! I hit pay dirt. That bass was drawn out of the cover and enticed with what appeared to be a worm when in reality it was no worm at all. Too many times that describes the men within the body of Christ. The men are so easily enamored with the trinkets and things of this world. Our flesh is the fuse and the devil stands near by just waiting for us to give the OK to drop the match on the fuse. The devil is a liar and the flesh can't be trusted. God provides us heavenly armour for our earthly journey (Ephesians 6:10-17.) We are in a spiritual war and battle. Listen- We don't sequester ourselves away from the world, but we get in the thick of the world and carry the soul saving gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to a lost and hell bound world. The intent is not to borrow from the cults and take ourselves out of the world. But we must be on guard at all times and at every turn as we go into the world with our heavenly marching papers and orders.
We are in dire need of the men of God to step up to the plate. Men it is past time that we get into the game. We need men of character. We need men of integrity and men of resolve. We need godly men in our homes, in our churches and in our communities; on the job sites, in the offices, in the factories, on the roads, and in the pulpits. This in turn will have an effect on our country. We need to be Christ like men, Holy Spirit filled men, men of prayer, men of the word, men who love the Lord Jesus Christ, men who are willing to follow the Lord completely, unashamedly and without stutter or stammer. This is who we need to be. We need men who don’t have one eye on the things of God and the other on the things of this world. We need men who don’t have one foot running with the flesh and the devil and one foot walking with the Lord. Men- Don't be drawn away.