I was going through some papers today and came across something I had written in 2006. I had been saved around four years at the time that I wrote this. You would have to understand the radical change that took place in my life after I was saved. I’m not sure if I can convey it in a way that really brings justice to the transforming power of God saving my soul. Imagine the most unlikely person that you know getting saved and then picture you witnessing the change in their life playing out right in front of your eyes. Glory to God I still have to stop and praise Him for His mercy, grace and goodness!
My encouragement in this writing is aimed at those of you who are enduring the pressure and persecution from those who just don’t get the change that God has made and is making in your life. The devil will use anyone he can to try to get you to doubt and when you doubt he will use that to divert your attention away from God’s word and God’s will for your life. Press on and don’t give up!
“I sometime wonder if I have gone too far with all of this. I have times when I pray; when I get down on my knees and weep almost uncontrollably on the behalf of those who the Lord has placed on my heart. I seem to get to a certain point when I have really given myself over to the Lord and then it happens- I pull back, because of fear and doubt. What is it I am afraid of? What if I am wrong in my thoughts and beliefs? What is the proof that I am where the Lord wants me to be? I look at others and see no sign that they have the intensity that I am experiencing for the Lord. I am not saying that I am any different than the next believer. The description of my state is the same as David in Psalm 63:8, “My soul followeth hard after thee: thy right hand upholdeth me.” When we look deep within ourselves what do we see? Does a mere man dictate our lives, beliefs and trust in Almighty God? I am afraid that is the case for me at times. I read this quote recently, “The world has yet to see what God can do with a man wholly committed to Him.” I want to try this for myself. I want to give myself to the Lord Almighty.”
It is hard to believe that it has been eight years since I poured my heart to the Lord in such a way. My friend God has been faithful every step of the way! His Word has always been true! His way is the best way. Continue and press on no matter what your friend’s say- no matter what your family may say and no matter how many arrows the devil flings in your direction. Remember, “Greater is he that is in you, then he that is in the world” I John 4:4b