I Cor.15:58.
I want to share with you these heartfelt words from Pastor Morrow-
We began last year with a 3 week outdoor SS where we took SS to our community. Through this we were able to begin to pick up 5-10 children each week and bring them to school. Let me mention here that I have never been a part of any type of bus ministry nor has RBT. We simply tried to follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit in what to do. We decided to take a year and learn more about how to run a bus ministry. In this time we talked to other Pastors who have the same ministry and also went to Bro Jeff Fugates National Bus Convention in Lexington,Ky. As far as we know there is not another church in our county that is running buses. The only vehicle we had when we began was a 15 passenger van and I told the church if we would be faithful with the resources that God gives us then He will provide more resource. Having said that, just a few months ago God gave us a bus through another local church! The Lord has allowed us to go into our local schools (elem.,middle, and high) 4 days a week where we minister to over 130 young people by way of Bible Club. We are told that over 75% of these children do not attend church at all. I believe The Lord will use our Bible Club and bus ministry hand in hand. This year we were also able to start Master Clubs which will be another tool that can be used to train our children. The Lord has placed this ministry into the heart of the people at RBT and I feel this is crucial. God does not need help, He desires heart. When He has your heart then He can do great and mighty things through you!
Serving Him with Gladness,
Pastor Tommy Morrow