Consider the youth and the teens, and where it is they are heading, and in fact where it is they are at this very moment. Because we as a nation has turned from God, we have subsequently turned from His Word, and the young people are a product of such a turning away. The slope is slippery and the slide has been in motion year after year.
Consider all of those who are now adults who are the product of silent pulpits and scheming so called men of God who have peddled, proclaimed and presented not the one true gospel, but their own brand of godless gibberish that leaves out the blood of Jesus and promotes the goodness and the works of a mere man. These have been and are nothing more than the pawns of satan leading individuals astray and allowing them to continue on their path to hell and thus leading counties, communities, cities and a nation down the ungodly path that we tread on this very hour.
Now is the time to dig in! Now is the time to be prayer warriors! Now is the time to bring and share the soul saving, destiny altering truth of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ! Now is the time to invest our time wisely in the very soul of this nation. Today is the day. Our hearts should be broken and our eyes should be filled with tears because of the way our nation has shut out, blasphemed and turned from the One True Living God.
The devil is a liar, and is in the business of deception. He wants to take as many as he can to hell with him. The Bible say, “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death” (Proverbs14:12.) This verse tells the story of many Americans at this very moment; in small towns, rural areas and big cities.
We need to:
I. Nurture a burden- For the salvation of the people!
II. Nurture a brokenness- For the seriousness of our sin!
III. Nurture a boldness- For the sharing of the Gospel!