I would suggest that you carry this powerful section from the Word of God close to you. Allow it to be your anchor and your comfort. Run it through your mind and saturate it in your heart. Meditate on it and in doing so God will do a great work in you. God and His Word will be your strength and a great source of peace as you go about your time God has given. Listen-We will trust the One we love and we will love the One we trust. Whatever it is that is happening or going on in your life at this very moment re-read the scripture above and by simple faith do what it says.
Get yourself up, shake yourself off and live victoriously in Christ Jesus. Don't allow yourself to be consumed by all that is happening around you. "Set your affections on things above, not on the earth" (Colossians 3:2.) Take time to praise the Lord. Take time to pray for many. Take time to seek His face. Take time to thank the Lord. Take time to look back and recall all that the Living God has done for you. Let's not simply endure, let’s live!