For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. Ephesians 2:8-9
When I was saved at the age of thirty-six I was working at a factory. Almighty God did a glorious and wondrous work in my heart and soul at my home one night through His Son the Lord Jesus Christ. I relate to the publican in the parable found in Luke 18:13, “And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying , God be merciful to me a sinner.” I cried out and God saved me! I was born again! I left that factory one man and returned through the door a new creature in Christ (II Corinthians 5:17.) Glory to God forever and ever! It never grows old!
My co-workers saw a new man. The Holy Spirit was doing a mighty work in me. I took in God’s Word like a famished man who had gone far too long without nourishment. My friends scattered and some asked if I had joined a cult. I was growing from the inside out and everyone was beginning to notice. The devil at times was relentless in his attacks, but Almighty God was, and still is faithful. I am grateful that the armour of God does not wear thin or wear out. I was told; I needed to, “lighten up.” I was told, “You are taking this serious.” I had one man tell me, “Don’t get too deep in the scriptures.” I plowed forward with the Word of God lighting my way and the Holy Spirit empowering and enabling me to live in victory. God was stirring a fire that the devil and his angels couldn’t extinguish. The day came when God called me out of that factory. It was a huge step of faith. I was still a somewhat new believer and common sense and many others told me I was making a mistake. It was not easy, but I followed the Lord’s direction; To God be the Glory!
God put on my heart to start a lawn care business. I look back nine years later and I am still amazed at the goodness and faithfulness of Almighty God! I desire that whoever may read this to be encouraged and strengthened by the testimony of God’s Power, Might and Grace. I have wanted nothing more than for God to be glorified and myself minimized. I have wanted nothing more than to be a tool in the hands of God Almighty so that His will would be done through me. I want to finish my course and run my race until the end. I am not concerned about fitting into some click or being accepted by this person or that person. I want Christ Jesus to be exalted and lifted up high above all!! I want to preach the word of God and give my self completely to Him who saved my ungodly, wretched and hell bound soul. Listen- I have seen hot and humid days when my clothes have been drenched in sweat and covered in dirt, but God was faithful. I have shoveled snow and worked out in the winter when the temperatures were in the teens, but God was faithful. I have sold fire wood. My back has been sore and my hands have felt stiff, but God has been faithful. I have felt weary, worn and a little beaten down, but God is faithful!
With all that said it is not about cutting grass, splitting wood or shoveling snow it is about planting seed. It is about sharing the glorious Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. I remember leading a woman to Christ in a busy factory building with grass on my pants and sweat upon my brow- To God be the glory! I think of all the people who I have asked, “If you were to draw your last breathe do you have assurance that you would be going to heaven?” and then sharing the good news; To God be the glory! I think of all the Gospel tracts that have been given out; To God be the Glory! I think of being covered in sweat after trimming a yard full of shrubs and bushes and praying with a man who had been dealing with the unimaginable pain of his son’s death. I think of being called to preach and God opening door after door to preach His Word in His Power and Strength! I think of this ministry, “A Call to the World” that God has brought to pass and how He has provided all that is needed to do what He wants to do- To God be the Glory! Most did not get or understand the thought of a website. I am sure many scoffed and doubted at such a thought. I am seeing God do a work through the preaching ministry and through the website. Souls saved and lives changed! To God be the Glory! I am a nobody who is trusting God with the totality of his life!
Dear believer, I want you to have a fire deep within that is fueled by God's plan and desire for your life. You should be greeting each day in anticipation of what God is going to do through you and in you. What is it that God has put on your heart? What burden has He placed in you? You certainly want to test to see if it is God’s will. If you have the assurance that it is God’s plan and will for your life what is it that is stopping you? Only you can answer the question.
I was a factory worker who deserved hell. I did not deserve God’s Grace or Mercy. I am a nobody who is trusting God with the totality of his life. I am a child of the Most High King…To God be the Glory!