Exodus 3:1
There is two ways one can approach their desert experiences. They can see such a time as desolation and despair or they can allow God to shape and prepare them for His purpose. Our verse says, “Moses kept the flock.” He stayed busy with the work the Lord had given him, and within the day to day tasks he was in the hands of the master. I have learned so much more on the back forty than I have on the front porch. We live in a society where results are measured by how much we have and how quickly we attain it. God has His schedule and His time; one would be wise to allow His will to be done in their lives. God will be glorified and we will find ourselves on the path He has planned.
None of us will more than likely ever have the awesome responsibility that Moses had of leading a massive amount of people, but we like Moses will know the desert. God certainly knows what is best in the preparing of the saint for the work He has for them. We know each believer has work that the Lord has planned for them, “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them” (Ephesians2:10).
Embrace the desert and the place God has you at this very moment. The quicker one learns to embrace the season of being in the desert the sooner they will learn just how much God is in control. Be clay in the Masters hands and you will one day look back and thank God for His wondrous plan for your life.