Galatians 5:16-17
There is a battle that is raging within the Christian. It is an ongoing war between our flesh and the Spirit. That is a reality. We have a choice to either walk in victory in the Spirit or tread down the path of the flesh and live in defeat. The flesh is the enemy within and the devil is our enemy without. How many times have we all had our flesh well up and it seems as if the evil one is right there to fan the flame. It is as if the flesh holds the fuse and the devil dangles the match. We need Holy Spirit Power! We need the power that only God can provide His children to live victorious Christ honoring lives. Too many Christians are living well below their means. We aren't making an impact for the cause of Christ because we blend in so well with the world. There is no power in our lives. This should not
You can and will know victory, but you must make a choice. Suppose you were training for a marathon and you had the make up of champion. Physically you had the tools to not only run, but run and win. You had to make a choice each day to walk in the ways of a champion by choosing to follow a strict diet, putting in the necessary miles in your preparation and getting adequate rest. All you have to do is walk in the ways of a champion and by walking in such a way you would run the race of a champion. Now spiritually speaking we will run our race that we have before us as a champion if we choose to walk in the Spirit, and not fulfill the lust of the flesh. God has provided the Holy Spirit and His Word. We have all that is needed, but we must make a choice. I say choose wisely and you will bring glory to God with the redeemed life you have in Christ Jesus.