Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts.
Zechariah 4:6
I will be preaching tomorrow at Weston Baptist Church. It is a rural church in the buck brush and off the beaten path. They want the Bible to be preached and proclaimed! My wife and I will make the 155 mile round trip and I will take my guitar and I will sing a special. I will have my King James Bible and I will preach that which the Lord has given me to preach! I can't wait!! Pray for me.
Hey Preacher,
One's earthly standing has no influence on the effectiveness of one’s heavenly calling. Consider those who God Almighty called and sent to start the early church. God prepared and sent a handful of fishermen and a tax collector and they turned the world upside down. These chosen men of God were not known for intellect or eloquence, but these servants of God brought the treasure of saving knowledge to the world. Men of low rank became preachers of the most important message ever, the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. They spoke in plain terms yet they delivered soul saving truth. A plain spoken message brought in the Power and Might of GOD.
Hey Preacher,
We don’t need speech makers we need Holy Spirit Filled preachers. We need preachers who care nothing for the trinkets of this world, but who burn with a fire that can’t be extinguished by the devil, and all the discouragement that he, and his demons throw at them. We need preachers who have a fire deep within them for lost souls as well as the hurting, hungry and backslidden Christians. We need preachers who nurture a deep love for the Lord Jesus. We need preachers who aren’t looking for a slap on the back or a desire to please a mere man. We need preachers who live to see God glorified. We need preachers who fear the Lord more than the reproach of man. We need Heaven sent, Holy Spirit filled preachers. The church is limping and America is dying on the vine. We need Power in the Pulpits and knees bent in the closet. We need preaching and praying men upon the platform.
Hey Preacher,
I want to encourage you to continue fighting the good fight and preaching the good Word! Stand strong in Christ Jesus. Stand long in the power of the Holy Spirit. This is the specific time in history God has placed you. I want you to be excited about what God is wanting to do in your ministry. The world needs you and your people need you and the Gospel that you have been called to preach. Don't give up and don't give in. Be strong in the power of God's might! Dear Preacher,"Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine." II Timothy 4:2