Psalm 145:15-16
Psalm 136:25 speaks of God’s mercy, “Who giveth food to all flesh: for his mercy endureth for ever.” I am convinced that the word that is most often overlooked in the Bible is the word “all.” You may be saying to yourself, “Surely God doesn’t care for the lost.” Yes indeed He does. Before I was saved, I remember a time of struggle when money was tight and the refrigerator had more on top of it than it possibly had inside of it. My place of employment took us out for a meal and when the meal was finished there was a bounty of leftovers. The owners had the food boxed up and gave it to me. The Lord gave me my meat “in due season!” I could give countless other testimonies of God providing for me as a lost man as well as a child of His (I’m sure you could do the same). Do we take the time to praise God for the meals that we have? I am not speaking of a habit, but genuine, grateful praise for the provision that God has provided. Psalm 145 is titled “David’s Psalm of praise” and so this we should learn from the man after God’s own heart.
The animals are not forgotten. Our verses teach us that God, “Satisfiest the desire of every living thing.” We are reminded of Matthew 6:26, “Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?” I have sat outside many times and watched a blue bird or a robin come to the buffet of our yard and feed on that which God has provided ( see Job 38:39-41). From the mighty hands of the Lord comes blessing and provision. How can we not lift up our voice in grateful praise to God?