Ephesians 2:1-3
Before I was saved I was a musician. I started playing the guitar at the age of fifteen. To say that I practiced and had an interest in becoming the best that I could would be the understatement of all understatements. As time went by I began to write and later record my music as a solo artist. Eventually I started a band named Blues Story. We described our music as high energy blues. I sang and was the guitar player of the band. We played at bars, parties and pubs in and around the area where we lived as well as southern Indiana.
The guitar was my idol. I ate, slept and drank playing the guitar. I often get the question, “Are you still playing the guitar?” I still play, but not the way that many remember. You see, after I was saved God began to do a work in me. Praise the Lord! The Holy Spirit soon was dealing with me about what I was listening to and the style of music that I wrote and played. I remember the thought bubbling up in my heart that the music that was such a big part of my life was steeped in the philosophies of a life without God and promoted sin and sadness. I did not mourn the turning away from what once was the biggest part of my life. How could one ever mourn the loss of that which is contrary to God’s Word and way? The darkness and sensuality of such lyrics no longer had a place in my life. The rhythms and music fed my flesh. The devil is a liar and flesh cannot be trusted.
This past November in two of the meetings that I preached my wife and I sang specials together. I played the acoustic guitar and we sang hymns. O the power that is within those old hymns! What a blessing! I praise the Lord for saving my soul! I am truly, truly alive. I recall those nights when I was playing out and the notes just flowed. I have no desire to go back in time even on the best night when I was playing at my best- I shudder at the thought of being dead in my trespasses and sins. What hope is there in hell? Zero! I do not have the testimony of many who grew up in church and were saved at a young age. Thirty-six is relatively old when it comes to salvation. This I know, “Amazing grace! how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now I’m found was blind but now I see.” Glory to God!