President Washington was stating a glorious fact within his timeless words. A nation cannot expect to know the blessings of God if they do not follow the Law and precepts of God. It does not matter how big of an eraser one wields when they attempt to revise and thus change historical facts. The evidence of our nation's Christian foundation and heritage is far greater than the evil intentions of the revisionist. If the adults or children of our nation would have a desire to learn the facts of our nation’s Christian heritage, they need only to energize that desire and look beyond the status-quo and investigate the facts for themselves. They would come to the conclusion that is etched in the very fabric of our nation's history and carved in stone in the many monuments found in our nation’s capital- A Christian foundation and a Christian heritage indeed.
Will you pray for America? Will you pray for our leaders? Will you ask God to have mercy on us as a nation? Let’s come one day at a time with one prayer at a time. Let’s fight the battle from our knees and let us go in God’s strength and might to the small towns, the big cities and every place in between.