Amos 8:11-12
We can learn from the Old Testament from example after example of God dealing with a rebellious people. We are not Judah or Israel and yet in America we often see such similarities in their sins and their sufferings and our sins and our sufferings as God’s people and it all points to our rebellion matching their rebellion. Feast your eyes upon the words God used to describe His people, “They have despised the law of the Lord, and not kept his commandments, and their lies caused them to err, after that which their fathers have walked” (Amos 2:4). I emphasized "despised", "not kept" and "lies" to show you how the description fits us as a nation.
What is the cause for the place we find ourselves at today? Pulpits grew silent thus man grew distant from God. We have left the path of righteousness and merged onto the superhighway of sin, self and senseless traditions that are neither food for the famished nor sustenance for the sinners. They are dead, dry and detrimental to the cause for Christ.
There is a famine in our land today. The reason why America is limping spiritually is because we have scoffed at that which is true Biblically. Too many church signs could read, “Family owned and run since 1952!” I haven’t been preaching that long, but long enough to have seen such churches. Some are so dead that you couldn’t start a fire in them with a can of gasoline and a blow torch. I am not saying that to be sarcastic- it’s sad!! So as we take our spiritual temperature we see that we are well below freezing as a nation.
The Bible teaches us that Amos was a herdsman and a cultivator of sycamore trees. Amos wasn’t a priest, but he was a prophet. Amos wasn’t a priest, but he was a preacher. A prophet and preacher called by God and sent by God to God’s people. He was God’s man who carried God’s message. God will use the common man, woman, boy or girl to bring His message and warning when the so called religious leaders are ungodly and living in rebellion and sin. Can you imagine what the religious high brows must of thought when this ole rustic farmer showed up on the scene pouring out “Thus saith the Lord?” Can you imagine what it must have been like when God called Amos? It is revealing to the spiritual dryness and deadness of the times that God had to call and send a farmer to do that which the religious leaders were not worthy or able to do. I picture Amos with dirt on his hands and sweat upon his brow and I picture one who would have known pain in his back from the labor of a long day’s work.
Perhaps God is calling you to go to a neighbor or a section of your town or to a family member or friend with a message that a so called religious leader is not giving them. A matter of fact He already has! "And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature (Mark 16:15). God will and God can use the common man to proclaim, "Thus saith the Lord." You just might be the one to bring food to the famished and sustenance to the sinners.