Romans 10:17
Faith comes by hearing the word of God. Faith comes by reading the word of God. You say that seems too simple and that my friend is what makes it so wonderful. As we learn through Gods word of His strength and His power and His provisions and His promises we learn of Gods desire for us and that is that we would trust in His word. Our faith will grow as we feed more and more on God’s word.
We cannot live off the faith of another, the experience must be our own and out of such an experience we will learn that the Lord is faithful. Such an experience will bring growth during the times of storms. The class room of faith is often held on the valley floor. I have learned more on the back forty than I have on the front porch. Oswald Chambers once wrote, “Faith must be tested, because it can be turned into a personal possession only through conflict.” Meditate for just a moment on the thought of faith as a personal possession. I have had seasons of stretching when like an anchor Gods word has been my solace when all seemed to be falling apart. God has shown Himself faithful and His precious word to be truthful. Those are both strengthening and sweet times.
The Lord Jesus asks many questions throughout the Gospels. In the middle of a great tempest, He asked the disciples, “Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? (Matthew 8:23-27.) Dear believer, what is your answer to this question?