I. God will be glorified.
II. God's people will be praying for God's people.
III. God's people will be excited and encouraged about what God wants to do in and through their life as they read the stories of others.
After I was saved I read the true accounts within the pages of the Bible of the men and women that God used in a powerful way and it really spoke to my heart. I recently shared in a blog about a pastor friend who had given me an arm load of biographies to read, not too long after I was saved, and how after reading those great stories, I began to ask, "What is it that God wants to do through me?" Those stories fired me up and encouraged and inspired me to want to give myself over completely to whatever God had planned for my life. We need to hear from the current generation of servants and how God is doing a mighty work in their lives. Psalm 145:4 says, "One generation shall praise thy works to another, and shall declare thy mighty acts." This will bring glory to God and at the same time strengthen the faith of those who read what God has done and what He is currently doing. It will teach the redeemed to dream big about what God can do in their life.
We need those who love the Lord Jesus and His commandments without stutter or stammer. We need those who live everyday in the deep well of gratitude for what Christ did on the cross for the saving of their hell bound soul. We need those who have a burden for the lost. We need godly men, women, teens and boys and girls. We need godly blue collar and white collar workers. We need godly parents. We need to roll up our sleeves and get busy in Christ Jesus. We need to not shy away from hard work and quit expecting everything to be easy and simple. We need church planters, missionaries, teachers, pastors and evangelists. We need to get out of the living by sight business and dive into the deep end of a life of faith (Read Hebrew 11:6.) We need to step out of the box and allow God to do what He wants to do ( I said step out of the box not compromise!) I am excited about how the Lord is going to work in the lives of many in the days to come.
Thanks for visiting and thanks for praying,
Bro. Tracy
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10