In times of persecution, trials and troubles we need to look up because God is in control. Remember God is for us and He has promised to never leave us ( "I will never leave thee nor forsake thee" Hebrews 13:5b.) We need to look back at all of the times of God's goodness and faithfulness. The persecution and trials should not drive us away from our Lord they should cause us to be even closer to Him. The devil wants to divide, dilute, destroy and devour. We need to quit giving the devil jurisdiction over that which he has no jurisdiction. Walk in victory right now knowing that Christ Jesus is our victor and we are on the winning side.
I would like for you to consider four actions David took during a time of persecution that will be sure to encourage you and will a blessing to others that God will someday bring across your path.
I. He remembered- To bring to mind or think of again. "I remember the days of old"
II. He meditated- To focus our thoughts; to reflect. "I meditate on all thy works"
III. He mused- To ponder; to converse with one’s self. "I muse on the work of thy hands"
IV. He Thirsted- A strong desire for something. "My soul thirsteth after thee, as a thirsty land"