Psalm 1:2
If any of you have any back ground in working out you know that most experts teach that when one wants to lose weight one of the most effect ways is to gain muscle and in doing so the muscle that is gained acts as a natural fat burner. I’ve often read that protein is a building block for muscle growth. Looking at this in a spiritual sense if one wants to see growth in their Christian life God’s word is the protein that we need. It must be the main staple of our diet! It is the building block. We need to come to our spiritual training table every day. One helping will not be enough we need to return time and time again. Our verse teaches us the manner in which we should take in this heavenly nourishment and when we should do so. God’s word tells us to meditate on His Word day and night. The word meditate has the meaning to: ponder or to turn over in one’s mind; to contemplate. When we delight in God’s word day and night we will have a desire to meditate over it and we will glean from it golden nuggets of truth. What a wonderful place to live.
For those of you who have taken the three week Psalm one challenge I pray that God is meeting with you day and night!