God has been doing a powerful work in Croatia. Bro. Sam Ward and Bro. Johnny Leslie have been sharing mighty testimonies of souls being saved. When opportunities increase for the cause of Jesus Christ opposition will be sure to follow. The devil cannot stomach or stand the Gospel being preached, presented or proclaimed. A building was provided and a Baptist Church has been planted and the Gospel is being proclaimed. Opposition has found its way in a village in Croatia.
I received this report from Bro. Sam Ward:
The local Catholic priest is putting intense pressure on the residents of the village in order to influence them to force the Baptist church to close. We honestly have no idea what to expect when we go out there on Sunday. We have heard of Gypsy villagers in this region of the world driving out missionaries by force on more than one occasion within the past decade or so. We are not fearful because we know who is in charge. We just need the wisdom and grace to respond appropriately to whatever happens, and the Holy Spirit power to make the difference. We want to see God do something remarkable in this place and free these people from this wicked bondage. We also know that Krešo (a saved man from the village) and the handful of the faithful will be standing with us. Krešo is becoming a warrior for Christ and it is a joy to behold. He is contending for the faith.
Will you pray for the services this coming Sunday! Will you ask God to do a mighty work between now and then? Will you pray fervently for Holy Spirit power for those who are contending for the faith? We have an opportunity in the midst of this opposition to pray. Let's not waste the opportunity.
Thanks for praying and thanks for visiting,
Bro. Tracy