Psalm 37:23-24
We have a solid word that describes the solid steps of those who are in the Lord. Verse twenty-three says, “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord.” Any path that is ordered (established) by the Lord will be the best place for anyone to take their steps. This world can be likened to those rickety bridges that are made of rope that have been strung across a great divide. If we want sure footing on this journey we certainly should desire Gods direction. We will have firm footing tonight, tomorrow and through all of our days.
Contrary to what the evangelist on television peddle with their prosperity preaching; Christians will have and know their share of heart breaks, out breaks and tough days! “Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down” is what the verse teaches us. These are shouting words for the child of God, “For the Lord upholdeth him with his hands.” The all-powerful, the all-knowing, the living God of the universe will uphold you dear Christian. These certainly are solid words in the shaky days we live in.