Psalm 85:6
America's greatest need is revival. Please consider our nation and its ungodly path that it is on. This is a plea to the born again to take a long look at America and to come down on your knees on her behalf.
I recently read, “Five years after establishing the Massachusetts Bay Colony, the Puritans started in Boston the first elementary school supported by tax money. In 1647, they passed an ordinance which marked the beginning of the US Public School System. Among other things, the ordinance required at least one qualified teacher for every fifty householders, and a grammar school in every town of more than 100 families. It also put the Bible in the center of its curriculum, asserting that it is “one chief project of that old deluder, Satan, to keep men from the knowledge of the Scriptures.”
Often time it is said about our country, “Look how far we have come.” It breaks my heart to think how far we have fallen. The Devil is fast at work in keeping the Word of God out of the mainstream of our country and off of Main Street as well. The fall of America can be traced back to America falling away from God. President George Washington's words are being lived out before us, "It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible."
So, my friends, here we are as a nation that can be likened to a ship that is taking on water. Once proud and mighty, a light that shone like a blast furnace around the world. We were blessed by the hand of Almighty God. Our natural resources were plentiful. Our exports were abundant. Our minds were cutting edge when it came to machinery and ingenuity. We were blessed. Hard work was the norm as we were well acquainted with sweat and callouses. The freedom that was exercised in coming up with a good plan or business idea and knowing the fruit of such a venture was the American way. We recognized the One True God. We sent missionaries to faraway lands preaching and proclaiming the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. There was a genuine fear of God and a desire and reverence for His Word. Woven through the very fabric of the foundation of this nation was godly principles. We didn’t dare exclude God, but men in authority would seek the face of God and search the Word of God. Humble in prayer while longing for heavenly direction from the King of kings.
Now- we kill babies at an alarming rate and protect animals. God is nothing more than a running joke for the late night comedians to poke fun at. We have become more and more resolved in our hatred of that which is moral and right. We laugh at adultery and accept fornication. We actually have to vote on same sex marriage. We cling to sin like an animal feeding off a carcass. Hard work and pride in a job well done has been replaced with video games and day time television mixed in with government handouts (I am speaking of the men of our nation.) If you are a Christian, you are portrayed as bigoted, mean spirited, and cold hearted and fanatical if you believe in the God of the Bible and His Word. When the born again say, thus saith the Lord when it comes to being born again and how to get to heaven they are told they are narrow minded and foolish.
You might be saying I have heard this all before. I believe it is worth saying again. This is a Plea for Prayer for this Nation.