As clichéd as it sounds- one never truly appreciates where they are at until they look back at where they once were. In Psalm 143:5 David in the midst of a trial looks back. I believe that Christians would do well to follow such a practice when it comes to the thought of their salvation in Christ Jesus. David wrote, “I remember the days of old; I meditate on all thy works; I muse on the works of thy hands.” In our verses today a picture is painted via the Holy Spirit moving Paul’s pen. A picture of where the redeemed in Christ once stood. One would do well to remember, meditate and muse from time to time in such a scripture. We have all heard that one should never forget where it is that they have come from. We should never forget where we once were spiritually. We were dead in trespasses and sins and separated from God. Hopeless and hell bound was our position and destiny.
I pray that you will meditate over our verses. Take small bites and let your heart digest while allowing the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart. Look back and remember where you once stood and praise God for where it is you stand today in Christ Jesus. The seed of revival in each individual will be planted in the soil of gratitude. O my friends when gratitude fills the heart and head of the born again a heavenly fire will be set ablaze that the devil and all his angels can’t put out.