Philippians 4:4
We cannot allow our ever changing circumstances to define us. When one looks at heavenly things from a worldly view we will never know joy. We will find ourselves in a constant state of defeat. While writing this letter to the believers at Philippi the Apostle Paul was in a Roman prison and yet his letter spoke of the joy that is found in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Paul was not writing on a subject that he knew nothing about. He was a man who had firsthand experience when it came to pain and suffering for the cause of Christ. Paul had been stoned and left for dead (Acts 13:19-20), beaten and thrown into prison (Acts 16:22-24), shipwrecked and bitten by a deadly viper (Acts 27:1-44, 28:3). God’s word gives us many other accounts of Paul and his many circumstances and situations and yet after all these things he was able to say, “Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice.”
Rejoice as you make your way to church this morning. You have an opportunity today to either bring glory to God or shame. You have an opportunity today to be a blessing. No matter what your situation might be if you will ask God- He will provide the grace to be a blessing today.